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Training Program

Phase 1  Rotation

  1. Composed of five (5) years rotation is recognized and approved places which includes compulsory (3-6) months in Rural Facilities.
  2. Rotation in General and different branches (Depends on specialities), including Family practice and Emergency medicine.
  3. Continuous yearly assessment reports during this phase. (Logbook).
    1. Part 1 board (Written), within the 2nd year of training.  If not pass > Exit.  
    2. If Pass is valid for 5 years.
  4. After Completion of satisfactory two years training, becomes Eligible for:
    1. Clinical MSc Exam. ماجستير سريري (Faculty Of Medicine- Eligible for Teaching staff ) and/or
    2. Continue training in the speciality.
  5. Details for each speciality in (log book).


  1. (MBBCh) degree holders  and 
  2. Internship and
  3. Certificate of basic life support from approved centres and
  4. IELTS score (5/9) or / TOEFL “paper-based test” score (500/677) or Equivalent.
  5. Shortlisted for Interview (limited numbers) (OSVE + OSCES ) include: 
    1. Applied Knowledge. (Problem-solving and critical thinking).
    2. Behaviour (incl. Ethics) and
    3. Physical Fitness.   
  6. Compulsory Introductory course, 1 month  

Eligible for Specialty Board

  1. Part 1 Board and 
  2. Certificate of Completion of five successful training years and  
  3. Publications; (at least one case report, or one review or one original article in a recognized journal). (Impact Factor).
  4. Sitting speciality board exam: 
    1. Not pass trials, within (2) years. > EXIT.
    2. Pass the exam. 
    3. Either EXIT “Specialist / can cooperate in teaching undergraduates “or Phase 2. or 
  5. Board certificate plus clinical MSc degree eligible for lecturer/specialist. either EXIT or phase 2.

Phase2: Subspecialty Rotations

To discuss with the Libyan Medical Board and Faculty of Medicine 


  1. Specialty Board certificate.  (شهادة الاختصاص السريري)
  2. IELTS   Score. (7/9) Or / TOEFL Score “pbt” (580/677), or equivalent.
  3. Certificate of advanced life support. 
  4. Shortlisted for interview:  (limited numbers)
    1. Review the logbook.
    2. Review the board exam. Score
    3. Personal interview.
    4. Publications. (During the five years of training).


  1. PhD eligible:   
    1. Clinical MSc. Plus board certificate.
    2. 6th + 7th-year subspecialty training, (Logbook).
    3. Approval of research thesis or publication of at least 2 new original articles in a recognized Journal. 
    4. Eligible for clinical PhD “MD”, clinical exam. (Faculty of medicine).     
    5. Specialty board certificate plus MD, Assistant Professor/ consultant (Exit).
  2. OR subspecialty training:                                                                               
    1. Specialty Board Certificate plus
    2. 6th,7th and  8th years of training in a subspecialty in regional university hospitals.
    3. Details for each subspecialty (Log Book).

Eligible for Sub-specialty board certificate. (Libyan Medical Board)

pass consultant. ( Exit).